This was originally posted on the Tamagotchi Collector's Discord, but I figured it should live outside of Discord too. In a place where nobody will ever see it lol

A Tamagotchi mystery has been solved.

After years of debate whether this was even possible, I proved that, in fact, you can raise the secret Twin characters Moll & Lora on the Mothra Tamagotchi.

The ROM for the Mothra was dumped in May 2024 and I figured out how everything worked by studying the code. (similar to the P1 analysis I ran in 2023, which there are pages about on this site)

Moll & Lora Guide: The gritty details

The way to get them is extremely obscure so I am not at all surprised that they were never found until now. Looking at it now, this looks like a bad schoolyard video game urban legend. But it is real…

Lessons from the past...

I think it’s worth noting that the old Tamagotch Channel website did capture some of the requirements correctly — that you need to kill an adult that’s “passed the average lifespan” and raise an egg from it to get Moll & Lora. It even noted that killing the adult from sickness will cause it not to lay an egg. However, the weight requirement made it extremely unlikely that anybody would ever get Moll & Lora, since most players try to keep weight low (and weight generally hovers near minimum anyway unless you feed a lot of candy)

This single page held so many secrets...

Immortality Strat

I mentioned the immortality strat. WTF is that, you are probably wondering?

This was the 2nd completely bonkers discovery that came out of my analysis.

The Mothra programming basically included a cheat code, where if you feed a character a certain number of candies, it can no longer get sick and if it’s an adult that’s passed the ‘average age’ threshold, will cause it to stop getting needier. This basically means the Mothra will never die unless you make too many care mistakes.

Now, Mothra Leo has a low chance of getting sick — it has only about a 12.75% chance of getting sick if you’ve fed it no candies. But still, if you get unlucky and it gets sick too many times, all your hard work goes to waste. So for safety, you might want to use this strat.

Here are the numbers:

Notes on sickness

Some final notes about sickness that might be informative as you try to plan out a Moll & Lora run:

One final reveal...

If you made it this far without your eyes glazing over I just want you to know I’m proud of you.

There is actually a 3rd completely bonkers thing I discovered in the Mothra.

There is an undocumented secret character.

Yep. You can evolve to a moving Mothra grave. I finally got it on the real device on July 28th, it took about 78 days (with very little pausing or clock manipulation) to get it.

I have decided to name it Lucky Haka-Kun (墓 ‘haka’ is Japanese for grave) and I think everybody else should call it that too. The condition for this character is that you have to meet the conditions for Moll & Lora 5 times in a row. The 5th time, instead of evolving to Moll & Lora, Mothra Leo will evolve into Lucky Haka-Kun. This character is functionally identical to Moll & Lora and has the same stats as them. You can play with it just like a normal Mothra.

This isn’t actually unprecedented tbh, since the Lucky Unchi-Kun on the Angel is technically a moving death state sprite as well. Of course, this pretty much blows open all other Tama devices for possible other extremely-well-hidden secrets. I think this is the first time there’s been an actual raiseable character that is completely undocumented, its existence not even hinted at. Something Tama fans always thought was possible, whispered about in hushed tones, but dared not dream of…

(Bobette on the Tamagotchi Discord later pointed out that maybe Lucky Haka-Kun WAS hinted at -- the Tamagotch Channel's advice for getting a "超かくしキャラ", or super-secret character, is to make a generation 4 or later character lay an egg -- this hint never specifically names Moll & Lora and it applies to getting both the twins as well as Haka-Kun, so it's conceivable that the website intended to hint at both characters. The operative phrase here is "or later" which doesn't make sense if the hint only meant to refer to Moll & Lora)

(btw I would bet 5 bucks that there is an ultra-secret evolution in the Genjintch into the skull sprite that is used as that device’s egg)

Extra notes if you're going for Lucky Haka-Kun

Mothra fast-forward mode

This Instagram post shows the Mothra in a peculiar mode, where pressing the C button causes it to move at a high speed, only slowing down when it calls for attention, poops, etc -- basically any 'event' in the Mothra. The person who posted this didn't reveal how they did it, but I figured it out as part of the Mothra analysis effort.

I'd noticed something unusual, which is that the Mothra code reads 4 inputs, which is 1 more than you'd expect for a device with 3 buttons. But once I saw the Instagram post I figured it was related to this weird fast-forward mode -- which it was, I was able to confirm its existence in the code.

Natalie suggested that this could probably be activated by jumpers somewhere on the board, and I identified two possible spots. (azya later identified which of the spots was correct, which I wished I'd seen before soldering the wrong points together and temporarily bricking the board). See this image:

Solder the two square pads together and that should do it. I activated it as a proof of concept by jumpering the two pads, jamming the unit back together without screwing anything in, and holding it together by hand. But it did seem to work as expected.

Unfortunately though I suck at soldering so I had a really hard time getting the unit back together (there were 2 large blobs on the pads and excess wire crowding the device) and once I finally got it back together, it was no longer working. So all this to say, I take no responsibility if you accidentally brick your Mothra. But if you're better at soldering than me, maybe it's worth giving a shot. It'd definitely be way faster to get to Haka-Kun if you can pull it off...

Mothra bonus fun facts...

Some facts about the Mothra 'business logic' I noticed while looking through its code. This isn't on the Discord because that post is already way too long.

Scripts, notes, and other stuff

Some random stuff I generated during the analysis process.
